
The Sum of all Fears

This movie is all like whoa! and then it's all like whaa? and then it's all like WHOA! and then it's all like WHAT THE?! and then it's all like....whew

It's also not completely unfathomable.

Score: 87%
Rating: Green (L)

Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJIF9-6D52w



It's a movie about a train.

Score: 75
Rating: yellow

Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM-0Ywc7wNY&NR=1

The Tourist

I hate when I watch movies that I hear are lame... and they end up being lame.

I like when I watch movies that I hear are good....and they end up being good.

But oh how I love watching movies that I hear are lame...and they end up being awesome.

Go enjoy The Tourist and don't listen to what anybody else says. This movie is a winner.

Score: 95%

Rating: Green

Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrqpKEOF8uw



Dern tootin near rillistic special fex, with snickr to m'self dialogue: all dun in suthrn, westrn or mexican accents.  Can't help but redly admit I chuckled once er twice at the swers throughout: granned they wer
mostly the H-E-double hockey stick word n' spoken by reptilian folk. 

Score: 87%
Rating: Green

Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-OOfW6wWyQ


Young Victoria

Romantic, classy, and politically intriguing. Not cheesy (suprisingly).

Call me crazy but this movie made me want to time travel….and possibly rule the British Empire. 

Score: 95%
Rating: Green


So bad at being bad. So good at pretending to be bad. Accidentally good at defeating good. So bad at creating good. So good at defeating bad. So good at being good.

Hope that didn’t give anything away.

Score: 100%
Rating: Green

Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJtot_f-snU